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What Are You Grateful For? May 2021

This month’s theme is Mother’s Day, the continuing energy of the feminine, the guardians of the family hearth. What is the legacy from your mother? In what ways did she influence you that you are grateful for?
What are you grateful for that your mother bestowed upon you?

Daniel Carmona of Cerro Vista Farms
She loved me unconditionally and supported me. She listened to what I had to say and never judged me. “Don’t worry, be happy,” was an expression she used all the time. There was never a conversation without saying it. To always listen without judging is the highest service we can do for each other.

Louis Herrera, Questa Economic Development Fund Board Member
My mother was an angel on earth. She taught prayer through the rosary when we were very small. All of us watched her pray and it gave us a good foundation in knowing the Catholic faith.

Marta Glover
I am grateful that my mother made me pursue an education, giving me the confidence to write poetry. My mother loved flowers and greeting others with a warm inviting smile that would spread across a room and lift you up. My mother believed in the power and beauty of the message in a smile. I hope I smile like that, too and show that kind of care to those I meet and know. Thank you, Mom!

Emily Wilde, production, Questa Del Rio News
I have no words that could possibly encompass what my mom is to me. To say she is complicated would be an understatement. My mom is a force of nature who loves me unconditionally to say the very least. She is bold and smart, demanding and generous, she is passionate and creative and very impatient. I see her entirely and love her deeply. I have so much of my mom in me and I am incredibly grateful to be her daughter.

Mark Gallegos, Mayor of Questa and owner of El Monte Carlo Lounge

My mother gave me the inspiration to help people out. She would give the shirt off her back to help a neighbor. And to keep your focus on work and family. Questa moms are the foundation of the household. The success you see today is because of our mothers’ dedication to their families and community. She would catch everyone’s grief and happiness.
