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What are you grateful for? November 2022

Here comes November with cold clear mornings and the warm, crisp days of late fall. Gathering, gathering the last of the harvest from the fields, the woods, the gardens, and the river. What an abundance of beautiful vegetables and flowers, I was part of growing from seed to maturity at Cerro Vista Farms. I am grateful for the camaraderie I experienced with the staff and the care I witnessed that was given to the plants. It is exciting to know these plants have been shared with many folks at many tables and brought sustenance and well-being to all who have gathered. November is about sharing the feast, blessing all the time and good effort we put into our relationships with plants, animals, and humans by celebrating together at the table of Thanksgiving.

What does the month of November bring to you? Do you celebrate Thanksgiving? How does the holiday affect you now or in the past? Do you traditionally celebrate in the same way you did as a child? November is the last chance to get ready before the snow flies. Get your firewood in and stock up on supplies. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

“We are French but we still have celebrated Thanksgiving. My mom got a duck instead of a turkey one time in the 1970s. French aren’t that keen on turkey. We got the duck from a local farmer. It was pretty special to me that you don’t really have to have turkey on Thanksgiving. My mom loved entertaining. She really did it up with a beautiful table. Thanksgiving was a mutual holiday where family actually got along, not a French holiday. That is what I am grateful for.”

“Thanksgiving is one of my favorite gatherings. I am grateful for the food, shelter, and the people that I meet. I lately have met some very happy people. I moved here two weeks ago. Food, warmth and happiness ties into Thanksgiving, the gathering together. I had a very special lady I worked for who carried all these qualities inside herself. She was a shining light in my life. Her laughter and caring she gave to all beings that she met. I am grateful that she brought forward the importance of family and friends.”

“I have been collecting food gifts at the Farmers Market. I am thankful I can pass these out by Thanksgiving. I am grateful that I get to be a farmer. I enjoy giving the best of the best edibles of the year.”

“I am grateful for coming together with family, friends and neighbors as the seasons change. I love this time of year going to the mountains to cut firewood with my son. I like the feeling of the shift from the summer to the fall. It’s a good time to be creative.”

“When I was growing up, we did Thanksgiving on my Dad’s side and Christmas on my mother’s side. This was about the only time I saw my cousins. We had a lot of fun playing at my grandparents’ house, playing games in the basement and yard. We ate at the kiddie table in the kitchen with all the kids. That’s what I did as a child and it has evolved into three stages. As you grow older, the first stage in celebrating holidays is with family, second stage is partner/married and family stuff and third is celebrating with friends on holidays.”
