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BODY MIND SPIRIT: November 2023

Tidbits Of Life

“Let your life lightly dance on the edges of time like dew on the tip of a leaf.”

— Rabindranath Tagore

When I was a very small girl, we lived next to a large park for a short time. In the early morning as the sun came up, I remember hearing the mourning doves as they greeted the day with their gentle cooing. Somehow my young mind believed the sounds the doves made were the little purple violets in the park opening up to greet their day. This was a very magical time for a blossoming imagination into the mysteries of life.

“Our thinking minds deprive us of the happiness that comes when we are living fully in the moment.”

— Ram Dass

Our passage through time and life is filled with beauty, mysteries, challenges, blessings, joys, sorrows, and the myriad of other experiences that are designed to teach us and help us unfold into a deeper part of our self.

“Whenever you feel restless, that means you have gone far away from reality. When you are close to reality, there is tremendous rest, calm, quietude, grace, silence, peace.”

— Osho

Sometime in the 1950s, while driving to work our mother was at a stop sign as a young driver came over the hill and broadsided her car. This caused her car to careen over a very long and very steep hill, rolling over and over at least five or six times. The end result was a car that was almost unrecognizable and yet our mother walked away without a scratch. The people that arrived to help were truly amazed and referred to it as a miracle. Our mom had a difficult time even believing that any of it had happened. She would say, “How did I live through that?”

“I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery than live in a world so small that my mind could comprehend it.”

My sister has had a debilitating medical condition for many years. This condition is very painful and makes it difficult for her to sleep. One particular night the pain was overwhelming, and while she laid in bed asking for help, a gentle warm golden energy wrapped around her, — she referred to it as warm butterscotch — and she gently drifted off to sleep.

“There is a larger frame to the painting than the one that bounds life’s events.”

— Ram Dass

My grandson had just left after having a farewell dinner with the family on his last night in New Mexico. He had made the choice to move to Los Angeles. A new adventure to say the least, and a fearless step into the unknown. He sent a text message after leaving, telling of an experience while driving back to his apartment.

“I had to stop in the middle of Ranch Road… there was an owl standing fearlessly in the middle. He let me walk up to him, within like two feet, before he flew away.”

Everything has a purpose and the purpose of the appearance of the owl as defined by Charlotte Kirsten is inner wisdom, change, Intuitive development, transformation, good luck and self-actualization — all of which seemed to be an out-picturing of the great change our grandson was making.

“We are ready to see and taste the full sunset now and no longer need to prove it or even describe it. We just enjoy it, and much more!” — Richard Rohr
