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September 2024

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I am still a work in progress

I never used to exercise but, since the early 1970s, I have practiced mind/spirit techniques to create loving family relationships and friendships, abundance, and career success. It just never occurred to me to use those consciousness-based techniques to grow younger!

So how did I begin? The impetus for changing my course happened after my mother slowly deteriorated with Alzheimer’s and I found myself starting on the same path. My short-term memory became very fragile and my tongue kept tripping on words — if I could even find the word. I was in my early 60s.
One day about five years later, I ‘woke up’ and realized my beliefs and programming about aging were creating a life that I did not want.

Right then I decided to reverse the course I was on and grow younger.

Once I had a clear intention to reverse aging, the next step was to learn how. I researched and studied, tried techniques, and dropped some, and eventually developed a program of body/mind/spirit techniques and began practicing them faithfully. Within six months my vitality and zest for life returned. Best of all, I got back my short-term memory.

I researched and studied and tested techniques — some relatively new, some ancient and esoteric. Soon a whole program, including action steps for the body, started to emerge and I began making my daily practice of youthfulness techniques into habits. The results were so astounding, I had to share this program. It reversed my early symptoms of Alzheimer’s, gave me tons more energy and kept breast cancer from recurring. I felt it was my purpose to help society change its views of what life can be in our later years. We’re living longer and I had found a way to make the extended life a more dynamic and joyful experience. How could I not share it?

I wrote “The Secret Method for Growing Younger — My Journey Through Alzheimer’s to the Fountain of Youth Using The Law of Attraction, Volume 1,” which lays the groundwork for the program of practices in “The Secret Method for Growing Younger, 7 Mind Body Spirit Self-Help Practices to Reverse Memory Loss and Have More Joy! Joy! Joy! Volume 2.” I also gave talks around the country.

Now, at 86 years old, I’m not traveling around anymore because I’ve made painting my primary fun. I love it because it makes me so happy (and my paintings are selling!) and I don’t feel like living out of a suitcase at this time of my life.

Sure, my memory is a little bit less sharp, but not enough to worry about. And I still do most of my practices, especially the Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation, movements that are supposed to make you grow younger — and they really work! (Volume 3 will tell all about how to do those when I get around to writing it.) I also meditate daily and vigilantly watch my thoughts and my spoken words. When I hear someone say, “Oh, I’m too old… to do this or that,” it feels like fingernails scratching on a blackboard.
So I’m still a work in progress and I plan to live happily for a long, long time.

Aún estoy en constante evolución

Antes no solía hacer ejercicios, pero desde principios de la década de 1970 he practicado técnicas de mente/espíritu para crear relaciones familiares y amistosas con mucho amor, abundancia y éxito profesional. ¡Pero nunca se me ocurrió usar esas técnicas basadas en la conciencia para rejuvenecer!
Entonces, ¿cómo empecé? El impulso para cambiar de rumbo me llegó después de que mi madre se deteriorara lentamente con la enfermedad de Alzheimer y yo me encontrara a mí misma siguiendo el mismo camino. Mi memoria a corto plazo se volvió muy frágil y la lengua tropezaba con las palabras — si es que podía encontrar la palabra adecuada. Yo había cumplido los 60 años y estaba a comienzos de esa década de mi vida.

Un día, unos cinco años después, me “desperté” y me di cuenta de que mis creencias y programación sobre el envejecimiento estaban creando una vida que no quería.
En ese momento decidí cambiar el curso de la ruta que seguía y rejuvenecer.

Una vez que tuve una clara intención de revertir el envejecimiento, el siguiente paso fue aprender cómo hacerlo. Investigué y estudié, probé diferentes técnicas y dejé algunas y con el tiempo desarrollé un programa de técnicas de cuerpo/mente/espíritu y comencé a practicarlas fielmente. En seis meses mi vitalidad y entusiasmo por la vida regresaron. Lo mejor de todo es que recuperé mi memoria a corto plazo.

Investigué, estudié y probé técnicas — algunas relativamente nuevas, otras antiguas y esotéricas. Pronto comenzó a surgir un programa completo, que incluía etapas de acción para el cuerpo, y comencé a convertir mi práctica diaria de técnicas para recuperar la juventud en hábitos. Los resultados fueron tan asombrosos que tuve que compartir este programa. Revirtió mis primeros síntomas de la enfermedad de Alzheimer, me dio mucha más energía y evitó que el cáncer de mama volviera a aparecer. Sentí que era mi propósito ayudar a la sociedad a cambiar su visión de lo que puede ser la vida en nuestros últimos años. Estamos viviendo más tiempo y yo encontré una manera de hacer que una vida larga sea una experiencia más dinámica y alegre. ¿Cómo no iba a compartirlo?

Escribí “The Secret Method for Growing Younger –My Journey Through Alzheimer’s to the Fountain of Youth Using The Law of Attraction, Volume 1” (“El método secreto para rejuvenecer: mi viaje a través del Alzheimer hasta la fuente de la juventud usando la ley de la atracción, Volumen 1”) que sienta las bases para el programa de prácticas que aparece en “The Secret Method for Growing Younger, 7 Mind Body Spirit Self-Help Practices to Reverse Memory Loss and Have More Joy! Joy! Joy! Volume 2.” (“El método secreto para rejuvenecer, 7 Prácticas espirituales de autoayuda para la mente, el cuerpo y el espíritu a fin de revertir la pérdida de la memoria y tener más ¡Alegría! ¡Alegría! ¡Alegría! Volumen 2.”) También di charlas por todo el país.

Ellen Wood de Questa es una autora galardonada y una artista que usa el nombre Maruška. El sitio web de sus libros y pinturas es www.NorthernNewMexicoArtists.com/ellen-wood. Para ponerte en contacto con Ellen, escríbele a ellen@howtogrowyounger.com.

Traducido por Teresa Dovalpage


  • Ellen Wood

    Ellen Wood, born in 1936, is a prizewinning author, columnist and former management executive. After her youngest child began school, Ellen started an in-house ad agency and won 16 awards for annual report and advertising excellence, including 4 national awards. Five years after her mother died of Alzheimer’s, Ellen experienced early symptoms (she has the gene, APO-e4). At 68 she developed a program of mind/body/spirit techniques that proved so successful, she wrote and published “Think and Grow Young,” followed by “Joy! Joy! Joy!” (now retitled “The Secret Method for Growing Younger,” Volumes 1 and 2) and gave inspirational speeches. Since 2018 Ellen has been the ad agency for NorthStar Tire and Auto in Questa, NM. Ellen started painting in November of 2020, having dabbled at it in her 20s, and gave herself a new name: Maruška, her father’s middle name. She is overjoyed to be part of a big, loving, kindhearted family. You can find her paintings at www.northernnewmexicoartists.com/ellen-wood

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