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March 2023

I dare you

“I dare you and thank you with gratitude and appreciation for sharing your stories.”
I took a month off from writing the column, What are You Grateful For, to come up with new ideas to share with our readers. How is our community doing? How are you feeling? What do you want to express and voice? There are many stories to tell about the feelings of gratitude we have in our lives but let’s add a new perspective to it with the theme “I Dare You.”

What is a dare? A dare is the ability to face the unknown without questioning yourself or the fear. To forge ahead because it feels so right for yourself and the world. You are ready to set a new path and change directions that will lead you to… where? Great acts of courage give you a chance to hear your own voice and follow it, often without the need of a witness. There are unsung heroes everyday risking their lives, reputation, and livelihoods to serve a greater cause. As Lou McCall said recently, “It takes great courage to change the world.”

On the street, I will ask you:
Where in your life have you been challenged? When did you dare yourself to finish and accomplish the task, the deed, the situation at hand? It takes great courage and personal strength to go beyond your comfort zone. What kind of situations inspire you to create new pathways and take action? How have these experiences affected your life and the lives of others? Are you grateful for the change within yourself? I will include stories relating to the seasons and holidays. I look forward to listening and hearing your voice. Happy Spring!

My story of a dare was when I left my home of 20 years in Northern California and moved with my kids, horse and chickens to Amherst, Massachusetts. I left a marriage and a life of great stability and comfort. Originally my daughter, April, wanted to attend the college at UMass in Amherst. I was the one who ended up going to school at night at UMass while working during the day as a cook at Whole Foods. This experience of five and a half years was hard, challenging, and scary. I was required to go out on a limb many times, way beyond my comfort zone. It took great courage to support my family and go to school at night. It was a valuable experience that taught me about myself and the bigger world out there. I am grateful for daring myself to take on a whole new life to learn new skills and expand my horizons.
