February 2023
What are we grateful for in February? I am grateful that we are half-way through winter with longer days. Valentine’s Day is a good time
What are we grateful for in February? I am grateful that we are half-way through winter with longer days. Valentine’s Day is a good time
New Beginnings I have been watching the little creek by my house thaw out and freeze, thaw out and freeze. Every day the ice shapes
Here comes November with cold clear mornings and the warm, crisp days of late fall. Gathering, gathering the last of the harvest from the fields,
Gratitude for WaterOur October issue is all about WATER. How do you celebrate water in your life? Do you have a story about water and
BACK TO SCHOOL Back to school time with routines and schedules, friends, and sports, cutting firewood and harvesting gardens and herbs, weekend camping and fishing,
What do you do on the Fourth of July or what is a memory you have that you are grateful foWhat do you appreciate about
The winds have been crazy, drying everything out. What a welcome relief to see the start of the monsoons. The smell of rain and the
The theme in March revolves around the Spring Equinox of March 20. In the pagan/wiccan tradition, Ostara is the Spring Equinox. March 1 is Maha
February is the love month with Valentines, chocolate, flowers, and heartfelt cards. February 1 is the Lunar New Year and March 1 is the Tibetan
I recently had the pleasure of attending the annual Christmas market in Questa, Alumbra, the celebration of giving off illumination and light. It was a
‘Tis the season to be thankful and to be giving, and Thanksgiving gives us an opportunity to gather together to express our gratitude and love
I am choosing pet appreciation as this month’s theme for gratitude. Our beloved furry creature friends bring us joy and love unconditionally! Holly Difani (Arroyo
Gretchen Schum, Hondo (manager of Midtown Market) My first job teaching, outside my home state of Pennsylvania was teaching music K – 8th grade, at
Gretchen Schum, Hondo (manager of Midtown Market) My first job teaching, outside my home state of Pennsylvania was teaching music K – 8th grade, at
We have had some hot days in June, which got me thinking about the 4th of July. May we all celebrate this holiday together and
We honored our mothers and veterans in May. In June, we honor all the men, as well as women, who have acted in the role
This month’s theme is Mother’s Day, the continuing energy of the feminine, the guardians of the family hearth. What is the legacy from your mother?